VPS In-Place Release Upgrade Gone Wrong

On Thursday night, about an hour before going to bed, I decided to do an in-place upgrade to my VPS. I knew I had good backups of WordPress, the websites, etc. so I was not all that concerned. I have done many, many release upgrades of Ubuntu on-site I figured about 30-40 minutes for the upgrade. And indeed, after about 30 minutes the upgrade was finished and it was time to reboot.

I gave the VPS about a minute to restart and… nothing. I could not connect using SSH or using a web browser. I hop onto the VPS console and see a bootloop. Ok, I’ve seen this happen before. Jump into recovery mode and see what was broken and fix it. And it seems I really broke something as I could not even start the recovery console. I have done a couple of in-place release upgrades plus, of course, a bunch of tweaks over the last few years so I can see that causing issues.

Since I was tired I powered off the borked VPS and off to bed I went. I am finally old and wise enough (or maybe my ass was dragging…) to know being tired and being successful often does not work out.

The next day I installed a new instance of the VPS and began the recovery.

The good news:

  • The WordPress recovery went fairly easily. The database backup was solid. I just had to remember to create the WordPress database account and grant it access to the WordPress database. Funny about that…
  • The recovery of the other websites went fine.
  • It gave me a chance to clean up some of the php code, old URLs that had existed for who knows how long, etc.
  • Re-implementing Let’s Encrypt SSL was buttery smooth.
  • But, more details below…

The bad news:

  • I had meant to back up and copy offsite the WordPress content directory. I had part of it done – copy it it over to another directory – but I did not remember to set up the job to copy the contents offsite. Insert Homer Simpson Dunh! here. Then I remembered last month I was messing around with a full copy of my WordPress site locally. Awesome – I have a copy of the WordPress contents. Upload and fixed.
  • I somehow did not have an anywhere near current copy of the other websites. That meant that other fixed that I had done over the years did not exist. However, it did mean I had the chance to update the php code.
  • I also did not keep a copy of the ufw blocks for, shall we say, less than desirable ISPs. Backed up now and improved by cleanup.

Lesson learned: Make sure your backups are complete. Don’t assume anything.

About Mike Pelley

Let’s see… A little about me… I’ve been around information technology since 1983 with computers such as DEC Rainbows (weird machine – the standard DOS couldn’t format its own floppy disks – remember them? – and I had to format them on a friend’s IBM PC) to Radio Shack TRS-80 to Apple ][e and Apple //c in the beginning. I have programmed in 8-bit assembly language on 6502, FORTRAN and COBOL on IBM System/370 (and I still hate JCL), VAX BASIC and COBOL (and a weird and massive WordPerfect 4.0 macro) on DEC VMS (Alpha), C/C++ on Digital Unix (ALPHA), and C/C++, Perl (it may be powerful but I still hate it), PHP on Linux (Red Hat, Centos, Ubuntu, etc.). I have work with databases such as Digital RDB (later to become Oracle RDB), Oracle DBMS, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL and PostgreSQL on VAX, Alpha, Sun and Intel. Check out my professional profile and connect with me on LinkedIn. See http://lnkd.in/nhTRZe I still think that Digital created some of the best ideas in the world: VAX clustering, DSSI disks (forerunner to SCSI) and the Alpha processor (first commercial 64-bit processor – Red Hat screamed on an Alpha!). DEC just could not seem to be able to give air conditioners away to someone lost in the Sahara Desert! VMware is one of the best ways to get the most out of an x64 server. And I have tried Oracle VM, Virtual Box and Microsoft Virtual Server. Outside of that I am a huge military history buff starting in the early 20th century. I love Ford Mustangs (my ’87 Mustang GT was awesome) and if I had the money I would have a Porsche 928S4. If I had a lot of money I would have a Porsche 911 Turbo. I also play too much AmrA 3 Exile mod. Over 5,000+ hours... I have a wonderful son, Cameron. I have a long suffering (Do you really need all that computer junk?) wife, Paula. I live in Paradise, Newfoundland and Labrador.
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